Complementary Therapies
Reiki. Relaxing and Therapeutic Massages. Aura Cleaning and Chakras Harmonization. TaroTherapy.

Jorge Benavides.

Paris, France.

Mobile: o7 60 86 86 38

Thursday, October 30, 2008

PsychoMagic and PsychoGenealogy
Psychogenealogy is the study of the genealogy tree and how our family`s unconscious acts over us making us repit conduct patrons of our predecessors. Psychomagic is a technique whitch is used to talk to the unconscious in his own lenguage, metaphore. Realizing metaphorical acts we can execute our hidden wishes and satisfy our unconscious, closing that way the issues that bother us and opening doors to new realities. These therapeutic techniques are result of the long studies and intenses experiences of Alejandro Jodorowsky, who has shared them to the entire world so we can apply them on our lifes, establishing a better inner communication.
Applying Psychomagic
We all have conscious and unconscious wishes whitch we need to satisfy. Some of this wishes lives in our shadows because our "morality", "religion" or "good habits" impedes us to express them freely. I invite you to let go this "moral" limitations and analize situations from all possible perspectives, exploting your creativity looking for the ways to satisfy your fantasies, turning the unconscient our allied and not our enemy. Let`s accept our shadows because there is not day without it´s night, no possitive without it´s negattive.
Here I`ll give you some examples of psychomagic acts. I´ll explain them simplified just for giving you an idea of how to use our own symbolisms to communicate us inside of ourselves. Some psychomagic acts could sound very strange to some people, but if they are cautionly analyzed, all have their very logical fundamentacion. For example, to all women who does´t value her femininity, who has low selfstim, who considers her menstruation as "dirty", I suggest her to paint her selfportrait using her own menstrual blood as painting. Then she can frame it on a sylvered frame (representing the feminine energy of the moon) and hung it on an important place of her house. If in her childhood she was disqualified by her mother or father, she can send them the portrait as a gift (without telling them, of course, what kind of paint was used). If you have a "dirty" concept about money because it had brought to your family anything but troubles, then wash, perfume and build an altar for all the money you recibe for 40 days. If your birth was complicated and you feel that you were not well recibed on this world, recreate it with your parents (or two persons who represent them) tying yourself to your mother, simulating the umbilical cord, and recreating your gestation for 90 minutes on a therm (like maternal womb). Your mother will give you form with mud, nourish you with all her inconditional love, next to your father who will give her the sissors to cut the umbilical cord when you had reached the 90 minutes. Then you all are going to celebrate with new clothes the happy and loveful new birthing. If you were undervaleued by your parents when you were a kid, they now can give you a lovely massage with a money bill. If you have an Oedipus or Electra complex, then dress your partner as your mather or your father and let your fantasy become true. If someone had hurt you, put a price in money to your pain and ask it to this person, if you price it as one million dollars, for example, he/she can add 3 ceros to a dollar bill and give it to you to pay the debt. If you must tell something to somebody who is dead, then send him/her a letter to heaven in an helium baloon or bury it in his/her grave with a flower. Express all your feelings and thougts constuctively, accept in you what you think is "negative" and free it through a possitive way; if you are furious about something, yell and break some dishes, then glue up the pieces, paint them, and build a beautiful work of art.
Bury the past and plant something beautiful on it so it can flourish. Look for the symbolisms that represent your troubles and solutions and apply them. Use honey to sweeten your relationships, milk or the moon for mother bussiness, the sun to symbolize the father. As I said, these are just some examples to give you an idea of how to integrate psychomagic into your life. The most important thing is to find self-destiny (what we really want), differencing it from the family-destiny (what others expect from you), finding that way your own realization.
I invite you to tell me some problem that buthers you so I can orientate you psychomagicly.
Jorge Benavides Alvarez.
07 60 86 86 38

Monday, October 6, 2008

Creative Visualization is a complementary technique that uses mental images and can be very useful to get better from self-esteem problems, depression, lack of vitality or confusion. To ward off the negative energy that is inside you, try the imaginative exercises. Act as a child for a while, using freely your imagination to release energetic blocks that paralyze your spiritual and material progress.
The Air
This element is symbolized inTarot by the Swords, and represents our mental plane, the world of thoughts, the verb. This is a good visualization exercise that you can do:
Sit down on a comfortable and quiet place where you won`t be interrupted. If you want to, you can ambient the space with a soft music that helps you to relax. Begin breathing deeply, inspiring through your nose and exaling through your mouth.

, si quieres ambienta el lugar con una tenue luz, ojala proporcionada por unas velas, algún incienso o aroma que te guste, y si quieres una suave música que ayude a relajarte.Comienza respirando profundamente, inspirando por la nariz y exhalando por la boca. Con cada inspiración tus pulmones se llenan de oxígeno en forma de luz y con cada exhalación vas eliminando toda energía estancada de tu cuerpo. Cuando te sientas relajado comienza a visualizarte el la base de una colina, sigue respirando mientras vas subiendo paso a paso por un bello sendero, mira las flores a tu alrededor, la grandeza de la naturaleza manifestándose en cada rincón. A medida que vas subiendo vez tu vista se hace cada vez más amplia y vas viendo el paisaje con mayor perspectiva. Siente los aromas que te rodean, la textura del suelo, la brisa del viento en tu rostro. Vas llegando cada vez más alto hasta llegar a la cima, párate allí y mira a tu alrededor, mira la lejanía del horizonte, donde cada situación en la tierra es tan pequeña que casi no se ve. Visualiza tu campo energético, imagina en él todas las ideas molestas que suelen invadir tu paz. Deja que el fuerte viento del lugar se las lleve, y observa cómo tu aura se va tornando cada vez más pura y brillante, despejada de todo pensamiento negativo o molesto. El sonido y la fuerza del viento te trae paz para analizar las cosas desde otras perspectivas, desde puntos elevados de consciencia. Estás en armonía, estás en silencio, completamente receptivo a tu propia voz interior. Escúchate, solamente dentro tuyo puedes escuchar tu verdad, y tu verdad es aquella que te sirve para crecer en paz.Quédate ahí todo el tiempo que lo necesites, y lentamente comienza a despertar cuando sientas que es el momento. Medita sobre tu experiencia. Repite este ejercicio de vez en cuando integrándole todas las variaciones que sientas que te sirven, y verás como cada vez te resulta más fácil conectarte con estos estados de recepción mentales que son esenciales para vivir una cotidianeidad en armonía.
Jorge Benavides Alvarez.
09 - 91374901